
The Story Is Inside You

PLAY! MUSEUM, The Asahi Shimbun Company, 2020

An installation for the Miffy 65th Anniversary Exhibition 2021 at PLAY! MUSEUM, Tachikawa, Tokyo

Miffy picture book scenes are deconstructed into colors and lines and reconstructed in space. A 200-meter-long black rope appears to dance across the exhibition space like a brushstroke. Abstract colored surfaces develop into a giant graphic work large enough to cover the walls. The exhibition design expresses the dynamism and joy felt by a small child reading a picture book.

We resonated with the words of Dick Bruna, Dutch picture book author and creator of Miffy: "What I make must be simple and imaginative for the viewer". And we wondered if we could deconstruct the Miffy already in people's heads and create a mechanism to drive their imagination.

Miffy 65th Anniversary Exhibition 2021 © Mercis bv / Term: Saturday 10 July–Sunday 12 September, 2021 / Venue: PLAY! MUSEUM / Planning Cooperation: Dick Bruna Japan, Mercis bv / Installation: Spread

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