Haru Stuck-On Design;

Nitoms, Inc., 2016

In 2016, we developed the adhesive tape brand Haru Stuck-On Design; with Nitoms to create spaces with new ideas. Based on the concept: “the elementary colors of human memory,” Haru Stuck-On Design; uses color to revolutionize spatial design and styling with the concept of sticking on the color using eight color families, two pattern families, three materials, and four sizes for professional use. As the creative director of the brand, we are responsible for the product planning, selection of colors, packaging, brand books, exhibitions, and promotional tools. We were particular about color expression, overseeing the degree of color fixation on the product during the manufacturing process. Since its launch at Milan Design Week the same year, artworks composed with Haru Stuck-On Design; have been installed in Barcelona, Tokyo, Paris, Taipei, Vienna, London, Seoul, and other cities around the world.

Production & Sales: Nitoms, Inc. / Creative Direction & Design: Spread / PR: Miho Kawamura (Daily Press) / Photography: Agustí Carné, Ooki Jingu, Kazuhiro Kodaira, Daniel Koh, Takumi Ota, Takashi Suzuki

01_HARU_logo_web用_240530.jpg 16_HARU stuck-on design;_bw 08_Installation, Milan 2018_bw 17_Brand Book_bw 18_Brand Book_bw 08_80A6938 09_web用画像トリミング_240530 07_Installation, Tokyo 2016_bw 15_Insterllation, Kashiwa 2016_bw 13_Work, Barcelona_bw 10_Installation, Milan 2017_bw 11_Installation, Milan 2017_bw HARU_MDW18_13_DIV6765 18_INB9317 14_Workshop, Tokyo 2017_bw 05_Installation, Tokyo 2019_bw 03_Installation, Milan 2019_bw