
Axis Photo Marche

AXIS Gallery, 2014-2017
Photo: Ooki Jingu

AXIS Gallery organized the AXIS Photo Marche for four consecutive years starting in 2014. This event invited people to enjoy discovering (and encountering) photography for purchase. Multiple unique galleries participated in the event and sold their photographic works at the marché (market). We handled the graphic art direction and design. The key graphics were inspired by the way marchés appear on street corners, blending in with everyday life. We started by creating the layout for the event title and other text information. This was then printed, folded, pasted and photographed. The design elements were printed and photographed in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, where we were staying at the time of production. The varying paper texture and light of each country are reflected in the design. The visual is divided into black ink and spot color along the central crease. The blurred outlines and unevenness of the ink were intentionally retained as a quality created by the texture of the photographs.

Dates: October 15–19, 2014 / June 11–14, 2015 / June 9–12, 2016 / September 15–18, 2017 / Venue: AXIS Gallery (Roppongi, Tokyo) / Art Direction & Design: Spread

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