Editorial Committee on the AIJ Journal
The Journal of Architecture and Building Science is Japan’s most historical architectural media. Established in 1886 by the Architectural Institute of Japan, they believe architecture is a way of viewing and mirroring society and aim to connect architecture with society and society with architecture.
SPREAD designed covers that tie each issue’s theme to an abstract representation of architecture in real life. Utilizing mirrors to photograph simple three-dimensional objects together with their reflections in colorful settings. All the interesting combinations for each magazine cover are created by photo shooting an original built-up set instead of building digital models with a computer.
Editor in Chief: Akihiko Iwasa (Hosei University) / Art Direction & Design & Cover Artwork: Spread / Design: Naoko Kobayashi (Umlaut) / Editorial Cooperation & DTP: Fushimi & Editors / Cover Photo: Ooki Jingu / Portrait Drawing: Henry Augusta / Printing: Showa Joho Process / Publisher: Yuwa An